IECEx is an international conformity standard for equipment that is used in explosive atmospheres.
The IECEx scheme, which is based on IEC standards, offers a single international assessment and test report for acceptance in all participating countries eliminating the need for duplicate testing. The IECEx Scheme is accepted in 22 countries in Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America.
EXHEAT specialises in the design and manufacture of electric heaters which are mostly used for heating explosive substances such as oil and gas in hazardous areas. The IECEx standard ensures that EXHEAT electric heaters are designed and manufactured for safe use in such applications.
EXHEAT offers a full range of IECEx industrial electric tank immersion heaters, process flow heaters and electric heating skids for a variety of applications in hazardous areas. Typical applications for certified ATEX heaters include fuel gas heaters, fuel oil heaters, glycol reboilers, TEG heaters, MEG heaters, water heaters, air heaters and heaters for specialised industrial processes. EXHEAT IECEx heaters for hazardous areas are certified for use in Zone 1 and Zone 2 hazardous areas.