EXHEAT supplies ATEX biofuel heater

15 Nov 2006

Biodiesel is an alternative diesel fuel that can help you beat rising fuel costs. During its manufacture vegetable oil is heated prior to methanol being added. It is in the heating up process that biodiesel manufacturers are using EXHEAT ATEX approved flameproof immersion heaters.

The presence of methanol fumes during manufacture means a risk assessment needs to be carried out to assess the risk of explosion. Wherever a risk, arising from a potentially explosive atmosphere, is identified the extent of the area must be determined and the area must be Zoned and identified with a special sign. The risk assessment should include the likelihood and duration of an explosive atmosphere being present. Following the area Zoning the owners risk assessment must then be established whether or not existing equipment installed within hazardous areas is safe to remain in operation.

Any biodiesel heaters installed within the zoned area must be selected on the basis of the Categories set out in Directive 94/9/EC. EXHEAT biodiesel immersion heaters are used throughout the world where Ex protection is required. As biodiesel is a relatively new industry the implications of installing flameproof immersion heaters has not been considered by many manufactures.

EXHEAT personnel are happy to advise on biodiesel heaters that can be used in Zoned areas, once risk assessments have been carried out. EXHEAT hold stock of 6kW and 12kW rated heaters suitable for heating biodiesel and our sales team are happy to recommend the appropriate size heater for your application.

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